
What if a horse could change your mind?

We come from military and teacher/training backgrounds respectively.  Our interest in horses and the power of working with them therapeutically converged, since we have spent some years working in mental health services and felt that Equine Facilitated Learning (sometimes known as Equine Assisted Learning) could bring something new to the stable, sorry we mean table!

Long story short, we now have three ponies that we re-homed from the fantastic Margaret Green Animal Rescue in West Dorset – Chelsea ,Tiger Lily and Brandy Snap, our resident hugs on hooves. All have their own stories to tell and we have found their way of being, hugely powerful in our own journey of self-discovery. We are learning from the horse up to the human.

Equintervention is a registered CIC and we are members of the British Horse Society.

Our courses run in Askerswell, near Bridport, West Dorset

We are CPD accredited for our EFL practitioner training.

What is Equine Facilitated Learning? imageWhat is Equine Facilitated Learning? imageWhat is Equine Facilitated Learning? image
Equine Facilitated Learning (sometimes called Equine Assisted Learning) is a unique learning experience with the help of a horse. How this plays out is between you and the horse ultimately. As soon as you start your journey with them, the outcome is what the two of you make it.  It becomes a cycle of support and instant feedback from the horse, which is hugely empowering and rewarding. Horses are brilliant listeners and natural healers. I am a firm believer in the power of therapeutic work using equines and EFL is one of these strands.

Our EFL programmes in Askerswell, West Dorset involve using groundwork activity courses and exercises with horses, to build self-awareness, self-esteem and personal confidence. You might have a bespoke course put together for you, or you might choose to construct your own to reflect your feelings, your challenges and your hopes.

This type of intervention can support a variety of personal issues; for example anxiety, which lies at the heart of so many social challenges today. Horses have an ability to neutralize anxiety in the moment; if they had their way, they would throw it out altogether, but they appreciate it is a game of two halves and they can empower you to manage that. Just being around them is known to lower your heart rate.

Uniquely, Equine Facilitated Learning works from the heart up to the mind. Many of the groundwork courses are done through minimal verbal communication. Evidence indicates equines can read your thoughts; this means they are intuiting your feelings and helping you work through them. When your feelings inform your mind, rather than your thoughts, you are more likely to make healthier choices for yourself thereafter. Importantly, you do not need to have had any experience around horses, so this kind of programme is suitable for anyone.

Ok, so we borrowed this next bit, only because we couldn't put it any better ourselves.
"Horses perform...amazing athletic feats and yet they still rest the weight of their heads gently on our shoulders and breathe softly into our ears. They stand quietly next to us while we cry. They connect with all manner of troubled people - abused children, battered wives, and traumatized combat veterans; at-risk teens, rape victims, parents grieving tragic losses-offering their hearts to let people heal. "'Here I am,' they imply in peace. 'Let's just be.'

Few endeavours teach the same degrees of confidence and humility as the daily work of learning to control an enormous but agile animal with mental training, physical conditioning and emotional kindness. Horses show us how to set clear boundaries, master non-verbal communication, break goals into ordered steps, and practice the best principles of learning and motivation. They teach us to conquer our fears, offer compassion, build trust, let go of anxiety, and behave with transparency. Honed on animals, these skills transfer to human interactions to everyone's benefit. If we all treated people the way the true horsemen treat horses, the world would be a better place." Janet L. Jones, PhD - Horse Brain, Human Brain, The Neuroscience of Horsemanship.

Our courses run in Askerswell, near Bridport, West Dorset

Equine Facilitated Learning Intensive one off interventions- 1:1 sessions

These are personal just-for-you sessions. They are intended for you to get back to yourself, reset and focus on what is important to you and how you hope to achieve it. An initial assessment would highlight areas you hope to work on from your session. Then you would work through a course with your horse supporting you; negotiating a variety of gentle challenges together and being aware of how this makes you feel – for example gaining a sense of well-being or even perhaps slightly anxious. No outcome is to be considered unimportant or insignificant. After each session, we will do a light review and take notes of feelings, achievements and if appropriate to you, areas to work on. See if the horse agrees with you too! Our courses run in Askerswell, Near Bridport, West Dorset

Equine Facilitated Learning practitioner condensed programme – half day sessions

How about trying out what it would be like to be an Equine Facilitated Learning Practitioner yourself? Our taster days give you a condensed taste of what is involved, from the paperwork (insurance, risk assessment and client assessments) to the groundwork with the horses themselves (samples of actual EFL courses). We will show you the structure of what being a practitioner can look like and finish the session with a Q & A, plus give you a folder of helpful sample paperwork to start you on your way. Our courses run in Askerswell, Near Bridport, West Dorset

Coffee mornings and social gatherings for local social groups

Horses don't drink coffee, but they love spending time around people who do. Come and socialize with our horses, read to them or just spend time around them. They're not adverse to being photographed or drawn either - it’s up to you. Organize your own group, bring a flask and come along. This are sessions aimed at local social groups and do not involve Equine Facilitated Learning. We have had themed days and picnics, not to mention a Pimms evening with the ponies. Our sessions run in Askerswell, Near Bridport, West Dorset

Equine Faciliated Learning bespoke courses - priced individually on request

These can be individually discussed and priced, for example family or couples intervention programmes. A programme will be built around your needs and what you hope to gain from using Equine Faciliated Learning as a tool in your life. The rest is between you and the horse. We can't guarantee what the outcome will be, but there will be an outcome! Our courses run in Askerswell, Near Bridport, West Dorset

Equine Facilitated Learning taster session

Interested in what EFL can do for you? Then this EFL light touch session is a good starting point. Come and meet the ponies and let them show you what’s on offer. You’ll get an insight into some of the activities and programmes on offer as well as a tour around the yard; you can ask any questions you want to. This is a good way of seeing if EFL is right for you going forward and seeing where the magic happens.

Referrals from agencies for Equine Facilitated Learning.

Outside professional bodies, agencies or clubs are welcome to refer members to us for Equine Facilitated Learning programmes. Please just complete the referral form and email back to us. Our courses run in Askerswell, Near Bridport, West Dorset

Equine Facilitated Learning Practitioner Training

Our four day CPD accredited practitioner training will give you all the skills and practical advice you need to set up your own EFL business. Our next dates are from 24th to 27th June 2024 at Askerswell, West Dorset. Send us an email or give us a call to book your place.


All programmes and courses must be paid in full before the starting date. Our courses run in Askerswell, Near Bridport, West Dorset

We have to thank those who have supported us in our journey so far. With their help we have been able to put in the time to care for and train our horses (by that of course I mean be trained by them!) and we are very grateful.  Funding support isn't just about the money; it means funders have acknowledged the value of our horses' work and believe in what we are striving for as an equine facilitated learning provider. This is worth so much to us and we want to acknowledge you right back.

Bridport Town Council for your local grants award - we are very grateful.

The Walbridge Trust who found a way through the "system" to support us - it means a lot.

Magic Little Grants (Local Giving) who make the process meaningful, yet simple. 

Mr and Mrs H of Bridport. Your kind donations have been gratefully received by the horses.

Ms S W who has offered her support in the future to our CIC - it is a valued and kind commitment.

CP - who volunteers with us weekly - you have been with us from the start and the horses think the world of you.

Thank you all.

  • Askerswell, Bridport, England, United Kingdom

Please use this form to send us an enquiry.

Equintervention disclaimer form

Disclaimer form

Application form

Application form to download and complete Our courses run in Askerswell, Near Bridport, West Dorset

Equintervention agency referral form

Form for referring agencies or bodies on behalf of candidates for EFL. Our courses run in Askerswell, Near Bridport, West Dorset

Equintervention medical form

Form to complete prior to attending EFL courses

Equintervention clothing policy

Guidelines for appropriate dress code and outdoor clothing for courses.

Equintervention Equality and Diversity policy


Equintervention Safeguarding Policy

Equintervention's guidelines in respect of safeguarding all participants of EFL.

Equintervention Risk Assessment

Risk assessment policy

Equintervention Health and Safety Policy

Equintervention policy document

Equintervention qualifications

A document of the facilitator qualifications and training

The Horses imageThe Horses imageThe Horses image
We feel it is just as important to understand the personal qualities and characteristics of a horse, before expecting them to walk alongside an individual and start their healing magic. They too have unique personalities, experiences that have shaped them and a special something to offer you. So it is helpful to get a feel for them, before meeting them and trusting each other to this journey you are beginning.

Just over a year ago, having one horse never mind three, hadn't really entered our minds. But we were interested in equine facilitated therapy and learning and in August 2022 we did some practitioner training and became really enthusiastic and inspired about the endless equine possibilities around groundwork therapy.

The lovely Tiger Lily (the little dun mare) had been on our radar as a possibility for some time, so we approached Margaret Green Animal Rescue. She seemed a kind, sensible little horse, who might be within our capabilities to offer a home to. The MG team duly invited us to meet her and full of optimism, off we went. Tiger Lily gave us one of her looks on arrival, which we now have learned to recognize well. Never under estimate the Tiger is now our constant refrain. She may be small and cute looking and she's happy to help you with anything, but after a hay net preferably, not during. When we persuaded her to accompany us to the manege at MG, she walked in, booted a yoga ball up the enclosure and then gave us another one of her looks. Needlesstosay, after putting her through a few exercises (which of course she could do with her eyes shut), we were sold and were ready to take her there and then, quite smug with our discerning insight at picking out such a clever little horse.

Since coming to us, Tiger Lily or Tiggy Tigs (among many nicknames) has just grown in kindness, patience and endurance, not to mention her naughty sense of humour. She has probably had quite a few homes and ended up being abandoned in a field. We are the luckiest people alive to be entrusted with her.

Tigs is a little horse with a mighty character. Her special superpower is listening; you can tell her anything and she will stand and just be with you. She has the softest of breaths and rubs when you need encouragement and the daintiest of footsteps when you walk beside her. She loves learning new things and teaching them back to you for treats, quite clever when you think about it. She is generous with her time and honest with her feedback, sometimes more sensitive at delivering it than her blunt pal Chelsea!

Tiger knows her rights and calls them in most days. But again, you get a sense she is just trying to show you how to do things better. She used to scream the place down or paw the ground when we got things wrong, but a lot less now. She'll always be bossy though... We know our place.

So now let us tell you about Chelsea...

When the Margaret Green team said that they had another horse who might be good for Equine Facilitated Learning, we were doubtful (by that read terrified); we'd looked at the website many times and only Tiger Lily seemed the right fit at the time. They introduced Chelsea (our big skewbald girl), a 19 year old, part bred arab cross, who we had ruled out as EFL material. She had been part of a neglected herd for the first 14 years of her life and seemed altogether too much horse for us and anyway, who takes home two horses at a time! But we said we would try her out... and then politely run for the hills with Tiggy tucked under our arms. Nine months later, here we are...

What can we say about our Chelsea???

We won't lie, she led us a merry dance in the early days, more bear with a sore head than teddy bear. She refused to go into her stable at first, but then she'd been used to a light, airy barn, and had been at MG's for 6 years. She also was very anxious after such a big move, so we had to learn patience. We took baby steps to allow her her own time and now she goes inside if she wants to. And asks politely to come out... quite quickly! When you see your horse bravely try something which worries them, for the first time, you feel very privileged.

Chelsea has a rhythm which instantly makes you feel relaxed. She has a big presence but is as light as a feather on a lead rope, when doing groundwork. And has a warm way of holding you, just when you need her. She's also partial to a scratch on her shoulders.

Chelsea is still frightened of her own shadow sometimes and can be quite shy for such a beautiful, big girl, but will try anything you ask of her, if she can. If you ask her wrong, she will gently nudge you to try again, but better. She has become more vocal in a nice confident way, with her special little whinnies and nose pokes, you just have to take notice or you might miss it. It feels like we're having proper conversations with her these days. She makes her little oinks of indignation much less now, so she must be getting through to us..

To say they have been life changing is an understatement; we got them to firstly give them a home, but also to bring something to others through the EFL. But they are working their magic on us too and they are immensely patient and brave, willing to tolerate all our mistakes and incredibly funny, beautiful girls.

Tiger is now 24 and Chelsea 20 and neither shows any sign of slowing up, although we will give them that option if and when they ask. They have a lifetime of experience to teach us and we can't imagine a time now when they weren't here.

And if we didn't have enough hoofy happiness and healing going on, Brandy Snap ( the handsome Chestnut chap) joined us in October 2023 and life will never be the same for us or the girls! We knew he was part of the same rescue operation that our Chelsea was involved in years ago, so we have always kept an eye on him at Margaret Green Animal Rescue, but like Chelsea originally, didn't quite see him as being EFL material. But a chance meeting with him over the fence at the Rescue Centre and the seed was sown. The MG team had brought him on in huge strides and after several more visits, we were completely smitten.

Brandy or The Little Prince as he gets nicknamed (also 20), burst onto the scene at our yard and promptly made for his old field mate Chelsea. Looking at their passports, it turns out they have the same dads and are actually half siblings. They spend all their spare time mutually grooming and the new boy won't let his sister out of his sight. Poor old Tiger is more disgusted than ever by the pair of them, but having fielded with them before, understands the score. Luckily there is enough love to go around for everyone.

So we are loving having Brandy on our team; he has a lovely way of snuffling at your fingers and following you around if you ask him to come with you. He is sensitive and funny (slightly ridiculous, but in a charming way) and has a hairstyle a pop star would envy. He loves positive feedback and returns it in spades; he definitely wears his heart on his hooves. Again, as with the girls, we feel very lucky to be entrusted with his care and know he will weave his unique magic on everyone who meets him.

EFL Practitioner Training

Equine Facilitated Learning 4 day practitioner training. CPD accredited.

  • Date: 24/06/2024 03:00 PM - 27/06/2024 03:00 PM
  • Location: Askerswell, Dorchester, UK (Map)

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